Sunday, February 16, 2020

Verses for the Democratic Primary Candidates 2020


Although there’s a long way to go,
The chances are fading for Joe.
The gap seems to widen
For candidate Biden
As he slides from plateau to plateau.



He’s got half of the money on earth,
And he spends it for all that he’s worth ---
If you have a baby
A Bloomberg ad may be
The first thing it sees at its birth.



And then there is young Mayor Pete,
Who wouldn’t bamboozle or cheat.
He’s too clean and wholesome
For leather at Folsom,
And his selfies are always discreet.



The “hot dish”, as you might have guessed,
Is a thing in the Upper Midwest,
Where families dream of
A meal made with “Cream of” ---
And Amy thinks hers is the best.



There was an old man from Vermont
Who never appears nonchalant.
If anyone queries
His Socialist theories,
He replies in ALL CAPS and bold font.



Alas for Elizabeth Warren,
Who claimed to be native, not foreign,
The selfies she’s taken
Don’t bring home the bacon,
Or cause contributions to pour in.

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