Friday, March 1, 2019

The Musical Birthday Series - March 2 - Kurt Weill, and Marc Blitzstein, and Weill and Blitzstein

Today's post celebrated the remarkable fact that Kurt Weill (March 2, 1900 – April 3, 1950) and Marc Blitzstein (March 2, 1905 – January 22, 1964) share a birthday.

One Fish, Two Fish, Haifisch, Blue Fish

Sinatra and Armstrong brought life
To Weill’s little tune “Mack the Knife,”
But to hear “Mackie Messer”
You couldn’t do besser
Than to listen to Lenya (his wife).


Rock It Man

When the cast of The Cradle Will Rock
Found the stage for their play under lock,
They took the whole troupe
Across town to regroup,
And gave the performance ad hoc.


Lost in the Stars?

Against those sincerely suspect
That an astral shared-birthday effect
Led Blitzstein and Weill
To much the same style,
I argue the reason was Brecht.

The Musical Birthday Series - March 1 - Dimitri Mitropoulos

With this post I am beginning a new series of verse (mostly limericks) celebrated musicians on the day of their birth. Today it's Dimitri Mitropoulos (1 March [O. S. 18 February] 1896 – 2 November 1960).


Wary of Greeks…

When conductor Dimitri Mitropoulos
Was at work this very metropolis
The patrons had fears
That his twelve tone premieres
Were signs of the coming apocalypse.

(Program from my collection)