Home, Sweet, Home: a Unhappy Victorian Household Scene
“Harrumph!" said the headmaster's wife,
"Enough of this Latin school life!
Your afternoon tea
Will be without me” -
And she threw down her toast and her knife.
"Heu heu!” her husband replied
As he heard these harsh words from his bride.
“Harrumph!" said the headmaster's wife,
"Enough of this Latin school life!
Your afternoon tea
Will be without me” -
And she threw down her toast and her knife.
"Heu heu!” her husband replied
As he heard these harsh words from his bride.
And at tea time, alone,
He munched on a scone -
Then opened his Horace and sighed.
He munched on a scone -
Then opened his Horace and sighed.